If you are in search of solutions to erase the tell-tale signs of aging in your intimate areas, you’ve come to the right place. At Scottsdale Skin & Holistic Health, we are proud to offer non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation with dramatic results. It’s true. You can now turn back the hands of time and rejuvenate and refresh your most intimate areas inside and out.

Exilis Ultra 360 Total Rejuvenation

BTL Exilis Ultra is the most powerful non-invasive, FDA approved skin tightening and body contouring treatment today. Combining the power of ultrasound and radiofrequency, you’ll get the best of both worlds.

Both the ultrasound and radiofrequency energy travel to the top layers of your skin and are absorbed as heat by the deeper, more foundational areas. That triggers the body’s natural healing process, stimulating the flow of blood and the formation of collagen. As the collagen production continues, so do the tightening effect. The best part of the combination treatment is that we now include female rejuvenation to bring this to a true 360-degree full-circle treatment!

Ultra Femme 360 Powerful Female Rejuvenation

Ultra Femme 360 offers a safe and effective non-surgical alternative to labiaplasty and vaginoplasty. The revolutionary treatment stimulates collagen production and increases blood flow, which helps tighten the labia and improves natural lubrication, as well as enhancing vaginal laxity and sexual fulfillment. Moreover, it delivers dramatic results in managing stress urinary incontinence.

Ultra Femme 360 can treat the internal and external female genitalia in the same session. The progressive 360-degree design of the applicators ensures faster, safer, and more comfortable treatment of the feminine intimate parts.

The Ultra Femme 360 Rejuvenation Procedure

ULTRA Femme 360 is a comfortable, painless procedure, with patients reporting a warm, pleasant sensation. After treatment, you may experience mild redness and swelling, which should subside within a few hours. You will not require any downtime, meaning you can resume your normal activities immediately.

Some patients report results after just one session. However, you will need to undergo at least three treatments scheduled about one week apart for optimal outcomes. Your full results will take around 1-2 months to appear as the collagen production increases. The dramatic results typically last one year, with annual maintenance sessions recommended for long-lasting rejuvenation.

Vaginal Rejuvenation in Scottsdale, AZ

Contact Scottsdale Skin & Holistic Health to learn more about safe and effective vaginal rejuvenation. Our exceptional team will work with you to determine the treatments that best address your unique needs. Call us and schedule your appointment today!