Neck lift can be a non-surgical solution to restore your youthful neck contours? If so, you’ve come to the right place. At Scottsdale Skin & Holistic Health, we are proud to offer Ultherapy. This new and innovative technology will leave you with dramatic skin tightening results!

What is Ultherapy and How Does It Work?

Ultherapy is the first and only FDA cleared non-invasive procedure that lifts and tightens the skin on the neck, on the eyebrows, and under the chin, along with improving the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the décolletage. The system utilizes precisely targeted ultrasound energy (high-frequency sound waves) to jumpstart the skin’s natural regenerative response that triggers the production of new, fresh collagen and elastin, which in turn work to firm, tighten, and lift the skin and underlying tissues.

What Sets Ultherapy Apart?

Unlike lasers, Ultherapy bypasses the skin’s surface, targeting the deep, structural skin tissues where collagen is produced. Using ultrasound technology, Ultherapy works to lift the skin from the inside-out, delivering incredible results.

Ultherapy’s ultrasound technology allows us to see beneath your skin’s surface, map your facial structure, and pinpoint the specific areas that will respond best to treatment. The procedure doesn’t duplicate the results of surgical facelifts; however, it is an excellent alternative for patients who prefer not to undergo surgery, or for those who want to continue building collagen after a surgical lift.

Is Ultherapy Safe?

Ultherapy has been shown to be a safe and effective procedure. It works deep below your skin’s surface, the areas typically addressed in a surgical facelift, without disturbing or harming the skin’s surface. Best of all, you’ll get real results without the need for downtime.

What Are the Expected Results?

After a single, 60-90 minute in-office treatment, patients typically report a short-term boost in appearance. However, the real results unfold over two to three months as the new collagen builds, gradually lifting, tightening, and improving the skin on the treated areas. Some patients continue to see improvement for up to six months.

Ultherapy in Scottsdale, AZ

Contact Scottsdale Skin & Holistic Health to learn more about Ultherapy and how it can turn back the hands of time. Our highly trained and experienced team will work with you to determine the treatments that best address your individual needs. We look forward to helping you look and feel your best. Call us and schedule your appointment today!