What can be done for neck tightening? It is such a common question I thought we should discuss some of the options and how they work.

Ultherapy-by far one of the most popular, most effective and FDA approved treatment for tightening the tissue of the neck. Ultherapy targets areas beneath the skin with micro-focused ultrasound energy, using the right temperature to support collagen regeneration. The heat energy from the applicator is aimed at different depths, affecting three layers: muscle, skin and the superficial wrinkles. The ultrasound energy stimulates collagen and elastic tissue, which should result in firmer, less sagging, and fewer wrinkles.

Radiesse-Calcium Hydroxyapatite is a popular dermal filler for volumizing the face especially more bony areas such as cheeks, chins, nose etc. But…it not just a dermal filler!Calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA) is a well-established collagen stimulator. In recent years, it has been increasingly used in hyperdiluted form as a biostimulatory agent rather than a volumizing filler to improve skin quality and firmness in both facial, neck and body areas.

Radio-frequency Micro-Needling-RF combined with microneedling for skin tightening has primarily been used for face and neck skin laxity secondary to aging. Radio-frequency micro-needling mechanism of action for improving skin laxity and even appearance of cellulite appears to center around RF’s ability to induce denaturation, contraction of collagen fibers, and neocollagenesis, causing tissue retraction that clinically translates to “tightening” of skin and superficial tissues. Although RF microneedling has not yet achieved the same level of efficacy as surgery in the treatment of skin laxity and cellulite, RF appears to provides a safe, noninvasive treatment option for those patients who wish to avoid surgery. Generally, patients undergoing treatment with RF microneedling can expect minimal pain and downtime, no scarring, and only mild, transient bruising, erythema, and edema

Micro-Botox-Micro Botox is the injection of multiple microdroplets of diluted onabotulinumtoxinA into the dermis or the interface between the dermis and the superficial layer of facial muscles. The purpose is to decrease sweat and sebaceous gland activity to improve skin texture and sheen and to target the superficial layer of muscles that find attachment to the undersurface of the dermis causing visible rhytides. For treatment of the lower face and neck, hundreds of microdroplets of diluted Botox are injected into the dermis or immediate subdermal plane to improve skin texture, smoothen horizontal creases, and decrease vertical banding of the neck, as well as to achieve better apposition of the platysma to the jawline and neck, improving contouring of the cervicomental angle (basically get rid of the neck lines and bands that project.

Fractional laser-is your concern is more the wrinkling and discoloration of the skin on the neck then fractional laser is your go to. Essential the erbium laser removes “fractions” of skin leaving the surrounding skin intact. This allows for safer resurfacing with less down town and less risks than that associated with full laser ablation. However, a series is needed for maximum results.

These are not all that can be done but these are bar far some of the most popular treatments at my clinic and in the industry. Another common practice is “stacking” treatments where we combine several of these procedure in one treatment session to maximize results. Also adding other techniques will enhance results and healing to procedures such as fractional laser and RF micro needling. But please feel free to reach out if you have questions or would like to schedule and consult.

de Almeida AT, Figueredo V, da Cunha ALG, Casabona G, Costa de Faria JR, Alves EV, Sato M, Branco A, Guarnieri C, Palermo E. Consensus Recommendations for the Use of Hyperdiluted Calcium Hydroxyapatite (Radiesse) as a Face and Body Biostimulatory Agent. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2019 Mar 14;7(3):e2160. doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000002160. PMID: 31044123; PMCID: PMC6467620.

Yu V, Juhász MLW, Mesinkovska NA. Subcutaneous Radiofrequency Microneedling for the Treatment of Thigh Skin Laxity Caused by Weight Loss: A Case Study. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2019 Jun;12(6):60-62. Epub 2019 Jun 1. PMID: 31360291; PMCID: PMC6624002.

Wu WTL. Microbotox of the Lower Face and Neck: Evolution of a Personal Technique and Its Clinical Effects. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Nov;136(5 Suppl):92S-100S. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000001827. PMID: 26441119.

Bencini PL, Tourlaki A, Galimberti M, Pellacani G. Non-ablative fractionated laser skin resurfacing for the treatment of aged neck skin. J Dermatolog Treat. 2015 Jun;26(3):252-6. doi: 10.3109/09546634.2014.933765. Epub 2014 Jul 9. PMID: 24953237.

Thanks for reading!
For more information or to schedule an appointment please call the office at 480-419-6996 or feel free to email me directly at stefanie@thesshh.com
Dr. Stefanie Maass PhD., FNP, FAARM