Is anyone else old enough to remember who is old enough to remember When you would make a phone call from a “landline” and would occasionally hear someone else’s conversation. Wildly entertaining…hearing another’s convo but also realizing it was not ours and that the lines had crossed.

This brings me. To my sort of woo woo topic of the day….mental health. This could also count as reflections from the ER as well as I see an enormous number of drugs, alcohol addictions as well as mental health disorders.

Currently, we have so many stressors in our personal lives and then are inundated with the external stressors such as the politics, economy, wars, jobs, bills family….

The emotions can get overwhelming and then we just need to relax most turn on the TV and grab a beer. Conveniently, an ad from “Fix all my problems drug company” comes on with the magic pill that can alleviate all your symptoms. Hooray! There is nothing wrong with you, you just need this pill, and everything will be okay.

So, you start the magic pill and feel a little better, maybe not, sometimes worse because it dulls all emotions, so you feel nothing.
Maybe that nothing feeling is better than that roller coaster ride of emotions you felt before. That is often why many people turn to drugs or alcohol, to numb the feelings to escape them.

Interesting, back to the roller coaster, many people seek out those types of thrill rides, stunts, horror movies, sad movies…things that make you excited, scared, emotional….Why? If you are trying to numb yourself and avoid feeling feelings why would anyone seek that out ON PURPOSE?

Why….? Deep down we all know that fluctuations and emotions are normal. They are part of the experience of life, the learning, the living…but they can be uncomfortable, and we like to be in control and turn them of when we want…like with the magic pill or other substance. Whether you realize it or not you are a giant antenna. You do not actually experience the external world your brain does through your senses. Your vision your hearing touch smell taste they are all tiny little waves in your external environment that are transmitted to your brain and create your experience. Your spirit/soul also has an extremely specific vibratory frequency that your brain notices and that is what makes you uniquely you. However just like with the game of telephone these waves must pass through an onslaught of other waves, EMF, satellite, microwave, and the humans sitting right next to you. Surely you have sat next to somebody and could just feel that their energy is off or even good.

That is what I am talking about that is interference on your phone line both good and bad. You have an experience that is processed in your brain from your external environment, and you have a reaction to that experience but then you get all these little pieces of other vibratory patterns from all the things and the people around you that can modify and change your reaction.

Another thought experiment… you come home from work you are in a really bad mood it was a stressful day everyone was difficult you’re hungry you’re tired you didn’t get much sleep last night and then your dog comes running up happy as all dogs are to see you suddenly your mood changes.

You are really in control of your emotions and your brains. It’s hard to get your head around it if you’ve suffered from mental illness or depression and if you are on any mental health medications I’m not saying stop taking them. I am just offering a differently perspective and tools. To change your mind and your mood oftentimes requires changing your environment and changing who you choose to be around. It is safe to say when you’re in nature you’re around a good vibrational frequency so if you’re in a bad mood if you’re feeling down, going for a hike can be helpful. If you have certain friends or even family members that tend to bring you down or are a negative influence, try to distance yourself. Minimize EMF in your environment, Orgones can be helpful also turning off your phone. Consider positive colors in your environment as well purple/indigo has the highest most positive frequency red the lowest. If the room, you spend a. Lot of time in has a lot of red orange yellow time to paint.

Life ebbs and flows and we can not always be happy because in pain, and sadness there is something to learn. But please do not lose your control of yourself, it is easy to be the victim, and the world likes to train us that we are helpless. You are not a victim or helpless…you have the power to be, to feel, and to act however you want. Choose good.

Thanks for reading!
Stefanie PhD, ENP, FNP, NREMT

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response
lies our growth and freedom.”

Viktor Frankl