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Why do people like Xeomin® so much?
Xeomin® is a form of botulinum toxin type A that is used in cosmetic treatments to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Many people like Xeomin® because it is known to be a quick, safe and effective way to reduce signs of aging. Additionally, Xeomin® treatments may require less frequent visits to the doctor or clinic, providing a more convenient option for people looking to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Finally, many people like Xeomin® because it is known to be a more cost- effective and potentially more long-lasting option than other forms of wrinkle-reducing treatments.
Xeomin vs Botox
Xeomin and Botox are both forms of botulinum toxin type A, and are used in cosmetic treatments to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. The main differences between Xeomin and Botox are their composition and protein makeup. Botox is composed of the botulinum toxin protein complex whereas Xeomin contains only the botulinum neurotoxin. Additionally, Xeomin is free of additives such as human or animal proteins, which some people may be sensitive to. Xeomin is also considered to be a more cost-effective option than Botox.
How long does Xeomin last?
The length of time Xeomin® lasts can vary depending on the individual. Generally, it is known to last between three to six months. It is also important to note that because Xeomin® is a more purified form of botulinum toxin, it may require more frequent visits to the doctor or clinic to maintain results.
What’s best about Xeomin
One of the best things about Xeomin® is that it is known to be a quick, safe and effective way to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Additionally, Xeomin® does not contain any additives, such as human or animal proteins, which may be of particular benefit for those with sensitive skin or with allergies to certain proteins. Finally, Xeomin® can often provide more cost-effective and potentially long-lasting results than other forms of wrinkle-reducing treatments.